Zoltan Kunckel (06.11.1975) is a sculptor and audiovisual artist from Venezuela. He studied photography and sculpture at the Moholy-Nagy University in Budapest and Art in Context at the UdK Institute for Art in Context in Berlin. He is an artist with a multicultural background, which has allowed him to explore in diverse cultural contexts the creative potential of different media and materials. From interactive installations, video art and performance works that reflect on national/cultural identity and deal with migration, human rights and the emergence of power structures; to sculptural works in steel and glass whose geometry is developed from the world of natural forms and that represent tangible experiences of colors and light, reflecting the nature in which the artist grew up: the colorful orchids, bromeliads and birds of the tropical forests of Venezuela.
In addition to his work as an audiovisual artist, he works as a curator in interdisciplinary projects and in cultural management and education. He is a member since 2016 of the project www.trixmix.tv – a mobile language lab where stories are filmed and animated with welcome classes in museums and libraries all over Berlin. Since 2017 he is an active member of the art collective Hier & Jetzt: Connections www.hierundjetzt.blo-ateliers.de – a hosting platform for artists in exile.
Among the most recent exhibitions is the presentation of the video performance “White Torture. Underground Poetry” together with Lorent Saleh in the frame of the 1stEdition: “The Global State of Human Rights”, High Level Conference at the Global Campus of Human Rights, Venice, Italy (2021) and the subsequent participation in the “11th Which Human Rights? Film Festival” in Istanbul, Turkey (2021). Participation with the “Museo Simon Bolivar” and the Videoperformance “Exhumed” at the Museum of Democracy at the NGBK, Berlin