Kaum Frei Raum – Barely free space
Kaum Frei Raum - Barely free space Nowhere else was the freedom to develop, define and unfold identity as highly valued as in Berlin. Here everything was possible that was unthinkable elsewhere. The…
Kaum Frei Raum - Barely free space Nowhere else was the freedom to develop, define and unfold identity as highly valued as in Berlin. Here everything was possible that was unthinkable elsewhere. The…
…it´s burning!!! (from the Patria – Homeland series)2012 It burns. A Dantesque territory chars its cosmography from its own entrails, which are hell.And KuZo knows it. Nobody sprayed a red…
Exhumed (from the Patria – Homeland series) Videoperformance 2011-2017 Exhumed: Tragic farce in two acts and a brief ending Act One: The Ballad of the Hero There is no heroic…
Censored-Kidnaped-Threatened (From the “Patria” - Homeland series)Performance series in the city of CaracasTriptych, print on photographic paper 84,1 x 59,4 cm. (x3)2011-2017 Heroes gagged, handcuffed. Forefathers bowed down by the…
Under Palm Trees, a Tomb (from the Homeland series)Video installation - 2019SEBIN Building scale 1:160, Figures and Cars scale 1:160, 1 telephone monitor, 40.40.50cmThe “Tomb” is a detention and torture…
“The Way to the Top” is an interactive and sculpturalinstallation. This machine shows apparently an easy wayto get to the Top. The hierarchy-machinery fires up onlyand willingly through the active…
KuZo (Zoltan Kunckel) - White Torture – Underground poetry Duration: 37'48'' minutes Direction: Zoltan Kunckel & Lorent Gomez Saleh Cast: Lorent Gomez Saleh 2019-2021 White Torture – Underground Poetry is…
VIZ – Concepto y texto Concepto general serie Viz – Agua: La conceptualización de la obra nace de la necesidad de volver a experimentar con los términos de luz, tiempo…
“APOGRAPHON, O LAS BESTIAS DEL HERRERO” Sergio Márquez / Caracas, Enero de 2016. Un gabinete de taxidermia metalúrgica; una perpleja casa-útero de satélites y espejos; el ripio fantasmagórico de un…
As in many corporations, military, political parties or religions, hierarchy has always been a crucial part in its structures. Commonly these systems are ranked not by moral or ethical values,…
Daily, every 39,9 minutes, one violent death occurs in Venezuela. Life has acquired a different normality since violence and death have become everyday occurrences. Between the ages of 15 and…
MOVIMIENTOS SOBRE AGUA VIDEO-INSTALACIÓN 2004-2007 5:04 minutos Es una instalación de video y audio en la cual se utilizan las propiedades físicas del agua (transparencia, reflección y proyección) para la…